applied ethics

Was Joshua’s Slaughter of the Canaanites Morally Justified? Part 4: Off with their Heads!

THE NINE COMMANDMENTS SHOW THAT JEHOVAH WAS A SELFISH JERK Since we cannot harm God, or hurt God’s feelings no matter what we do, and since we can fairly easily physically harm other people and hurt the feelings of others or harm them emotionally and intellectually, it seems rather obvious that our duties towards other Was Joshua’s Slaughter of the Canaanites Morally Justified? Part 4: Off with their Heads!

Was Joshua’s Slaughter of the Canaanites Morally Justified? Part 3: Ten Commandments

THE “LOCKER ROOM” TALK  EXCUSE There is a videotape of Donald Trump saying this: “I’m automatically attracted to beautiful [women]—I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star they let you do it. You can do anything … Grab them by the pussy. You Was Joshua’s Slaughter of the Canaanites Morally Justified? Part 3: Ten Commandments

Was Joshua’s Slaughter of the Canaanites Morally Justified? Part 2: Locker Room Talk

TRUMP’S “LOCKER ROOM” TALK Let’s take a quick trip down memory lane… to October 7, 2016: ================ The Washington Post has obtained an extremely crass recording…on which Donald Trump converses with Access Hollywood host Billy Bush about women aboard a bus on the set of Days of Our Lives. Among the things Trump says: “I Was Joshua’s Slaughter of the Canaanites Morally Justified? Part 2: Locker Room Talk

Was Joshua’s Slaughter of Thousands of Men, Women, Children, and Babies Morally Justified? – Part 1

In the view of at least one reader of my posts, Joshua’s MERCILESS SLAUGHTER of thousands of adult men, adult women, teenage boys, teenage girls, elderly men and women, young children, and infants was MORALLY JUSTIFIED because: (a) they were given the chance to flee, and (b) they belonged to a culture where some people Was Joshua’s Slaughter of Thousands of Men, Women, Children, and Babies Morally Justified? – Part 1

A Layman’s Thoughts about Christian Theism and Gender Identity Disorder

(Note: I’ve titled this post “A Layman’s Thoughts” to reinforce the fact that I am neither an expert on human sexuality in general, gender identity disorder in particular, nor Christian doctrine on gender identity. If someone who reads this wants to “school” me on the errors in this post, I won’t be offended in the A Layman’s Thoughts about Christian Theism and Gender Identity Disorder

Busted. Victor Reppert has Nailed Us. We Became Atheists for the Sex

OK fellow secularists, the game’s up. Victor Reppert has nailed us. Secularist organizations seem to be having a lot of trouble with sexual harassment.   You have to ask “What did you think was going to happen?” One of the key selling points of secularism is that you don’t have to follow those benighted old Busted. Victor Reppert has Nailed Us. We Became Atheists for the Sex

Brigham Young: Racist Prophet of the Mormons – Part 3

In January of 1852, Brigham Young encouraged the Utah territorial legislature to pass a law that prohibitted sex between white people and black people, and publically declared that black people (or people with a black grandparent or great grandparent) “Cannot hold the priesthood”: ======================================= Mormon Anti-Miscegenation in Utah Law Brigham Young addressed the Utah territorial Brigham Young: Racist Prophet of the Mormons – Part 3