Jeffery Jay Lowder

Craig’s Dismissive Attitude Towards Arguments from Evil

On Twitter, user @BissetteHunter tweeted this fifteen second video clip of William Lane Craig discussing arguments from evil: Another bad take from Craig given during the Law debate. �‍♂️ — yourtypicaltheist (@BissetteHunter) July 19, 2021 In the case the link doesn’t work, here is the transcript: “Therefore, this problem of evil, I think, though Craig’s Dismissive Attitude Towards Arguments from Evil

Must-Read Paper on the Confusing Terminology in the Philosophy of Religion

Philosopher Dale Tuggy has written an incredibly helpful paper which seeks to help clarify some of the confusing terminology in the philosophy of religion regarding God vs. gods. Key terms defined in this paper include deity, godhood, ultimate, the Ultimate. So far as I can tell, his modest proposal for terminology does not appear to Must-Read Paper on the Confusing Terminology in the Philosophy of Religion

Off-Topic: Three Proposed Amendments to the U.S. Constitution to Decrease Government Dysfunction

The four years of the Trump administration, but especially the events of January 6, 2021 and the ensuing impeachment by the House and acquittal by the Senate, have caused me to go into problem-solving mode. After giving this a lot of thought, I have concluded that various flaws, oversights, and loopholes created structural flaws which Off-Topic: Three Proposed Amendments to the U.S. Constitution to Decrease Government Dysfunction

Reply to William Lane Craig on Evangelical Support for Trump

I’ve published an article on my political blog, Data-Driven Politics, which should be of great interest to many Secular Outpost readers: On a related note, I’ve also published on that site my Presidential Effectiveness Dashboard, which is a work in progress, and likely also to be of interest. Link to latest version: Your name Your email Subject Reply to William Lane Craig on Evangelical Support for Trump

Resurrected Political Blog

Announcement: I’ve resurrected my political blog and re-branded it as “Data-Driven Politics.” It has a new URL: Please give it a look! My most recent entry is a blog post analyzing the effectiveness of mask wearing at reducing the spread of COVID-19. Your name Your email Subject Your message (optional)

An F-Inductive Argument from Consciousness for Theism, Revisited

Edited on 15-Feb-20While some theistic arguments are “God of the gaps” arguments, many, including those defended by Christian philosophers, are not “God of the gaps” arguments. Before accusing a theist of trotting out another “God-of-the-gaps” argument, atheists should first verify that the argument actually is a “God-of-the-gaps” argument.Here is the basic structure of a “God-of-the-gaps” An F-Inductive Argument from Consciousness for Theism, Revisited

Draft: William Lane Craig on the Evidential Argument from Evolution

This is a draft article I’ve been working on. Any feedback would be appreciated. Abstract: Paul Draper defends what may be called an “evidential argument from evolution” against theism, viz., an argument which purports to show that evolution constitutes strong evidence against theism. In response to this argument, William Lane Craig argues that Draper’s argument depends Draft: William Lane Craig on the Evidential Argument from Evolution

41,000 Denominations?

Bold Atheism recently tweeted the following meme: #atheist #god #religion #bible #faith #church #atheism #noreligion #religionfree #antireligion #freedomfromreligion #goodwithoutgod #nogod #godless #heathen #nonbeliever #skeptic #secular #humanist #freethinker #think #logic #reason #prayer #sin #atheis… — Bold Atheism (@boldatheism) March 18, 2019 What should we make of this meme? Your name Your email Subject Your 41,000 Denominations?