Month: January 2023

The Empty Tomb

Here is a recent short interview Dr Robin Faith Walsh did on the meaning of the empty tomb (see time 1:27 ff) Walsh discusses the History of Greek and Roman literature/culture with bodies disappearing from tombs because the person has become a god, such as in Chariton’s novel.  The empty tomb in Greco-Roman culture was The Empty Tomb

Analysis of 14 Objections to the Hallucination Theory

In their Handbook of Christian Apologetics (hereafter: HCA) the Christian philosophers Peter Kreeft and Ronald Tacelli claim to prove the resurrection of Jesus. Their argument can be summarized briefly: 1. There are only four possible skeptical theories about the alleged resurrection of Jesus: Swoon, Hallucination, Conspiracy, and Myth.THEREFORE:2. IF Kreeft and Tacelli have refuted those Analysis of 14 Objections to the Hallucination Theory

A Critique Of The Christ Myth Theory: My New Article Has Been Published

I am very happy to share my new article, “Jesus Mythicism: Moral Influence vs. Vicarious Atonement—and Other Problems“ has passed peer review and has been published by Internet Infidels/Secular Web. The title pays homage to mythicist Robert M Price’s book “The Christ Myth Theory And Its Problems.” The essay is the third and final of A Critique Of The Christ Myth Theory: My New Article Has Been Published

Skeptical Theories about the Resurrection of Jesus

In their Handbook of Christian Apologetics (hereafter: HCA) the Christian philosophers Peter Kreeft and Ronald Tacelli claim to prove the resurrection of Jesus. Their argument can be summarized briefly: 1. There are only four possible skeptical theories about the alleged resurrection of Jesus: Swoon, Hallucination, Conspiracy, and Myth.THEREFORE:2. IF Kreeft and Tacelli have refuted those Skeptical Theories about the Resurrection of Jesus