Month: January 2023

Off Topic: Science and COVID-19

I just read an editorial in Newsweek by a SHITHEAD named Kevin Bass who is attempting to promote skepticism about the mainstream science on COVID-19. Since Bass is a complete IDIOT, I will not waste much time or energy on his pathetic editorial. In the opening paragraphs, Bass makes SHOCKING and JAW-DROPPING claims: As a Off Topic: Science and COVID-19

Corporate Sin (2/2)

So, last time I talked about getting beyond the personal sin/sinner’s prayer ideology of the conservative evangelical interpretation of Christianity to the corporate sin issue of things like systemic racism that needs to be made conspicuous and overcome with the liberal/progressive Christian interpretation. Terry Simon has a helpful quote on this: The story of Native Corporate Sin (2/2)

Corporate Sin

“The world is ending… Honestly … So, uh, you better get right with God!” As an Atheist/Agnostic, I don’t believe in God or an afterlife or any of that, but I do think there are better and worse interpretations of original Christianity. I am of the interpretive school of liberal Christianity, rather than conservative Christianity. Corporate Sin

Who Moved the Stone? Part 4: Moving a Smaller Square Blocking Stone

The question “Who moved the stone?” is used by Christian apologists to raise an objection against some skeptical theories about the alleged resurrection of Jesus, especially the Swoon Theory (see Objection #7 in Handbook of Christian Apologetics by Peter Kreeft and Ronald Tacelli, p.183-184), but also the Conspiracy Theory, and the Hallucination Theory. In Part Who Moved the Stone? Part 4: Moving a Smaller Square Blocking Stone

Conservative vs Liberal Christians: Wait, There’s Another Way To Read This?!

So, Adam and Eve sinned, and we are guilty of that sin, so God sent Jesus to die for our sins and save us. Right? Well, that’s a conservative Christian reading. Against this, many liberal Christians see Adam and Eve as a metaphor. Dr. James McGrath comments: Question: In Paul’s mind Christ is the “second Conservative vs Liberal Christians: Wait, There’s Another Way To Read This?!


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