Month: July 2020

The Unmoved Mover Argument – Part 4: Finite Changing Things Exist?

In his book When Skeptics Ask (1990), Norman Geisler presents a Thomist Cosmological Argument for the existence of God (although he FAILED to conclude the argument with the claim that “God exists”!).  I am now going to start evaluating the first premise of this argument: 1. Finite, changing things exist.  (When Skeptics Ask, p. 18; hereafter: WSA.) The Unmoved Mover Argument – Part 4: Finite Changing Things Exist?

The Unmoved Mover Argument – Part 3: Norman vs. Bradley

I’m having fun with critical examination of Norman Geisler’s Thomist cosmological argument in When Skeptics Ask.  There is also a more detailed and in-depth presentation of this argument in Chapter 9 of Geisler’s much older book The Philosophy of Religion (1974). I previously thought that the first premise of his Thomist cosmological argument was obviously The Unmoved Mover Argument – Part 3: Norman vs. Bradley

The Unmoved Mover Argument – Part 1: Kreeft’s Version

FESER’S ARISTOTELIAN PROOF & AQUINAS’S UNMOVED-MOVER PROOF I plan to analyze and evaluate Ed Feser’s Aristotelian “proof” of the existence of God, from his book Five Proofs of the Existence of God.  According to Feser, the proofs that he presents in that book are “the most powerful arguments for God’s existence on offer”. But before The Unmoved Mover Argument – Part 1: Kreeft’s Version

Resurrected Political Blog

Announcement: I’ve resurrected my political blog and re-branded it as “Data-Driven Politics.” It has a new URL: Please give it a look! My most recent entry is a blog post analyzing the effectiveness of mask wearing at reducing the spread of COVID-19.

Contempt: It’s Not All Bad

NOTE: This is a portion of a paper I read at the Central Division meeting of the American Philosophical Association last February. It is a revision of an earlier SO post “Contempt: A Qualified Defense.” In January 2017, I was pleasantly surprised to see an op/ed by a professional philosopher in The Houston Chronicle. Karen Stohr’s timely Contempt: It’s Not All Bad

Was Joshua’s Slaughter of the Canaanites Morally Justified? Part 14: More OT on Child Sacrifice

WHERE WE ARE The final question at issue that I discussed in the previous post is this: Does the OT clearly claim that all of the peoples who inhabited the numerous towns and villages in the Promised Land prior to the alleged Conquest of Canaan, regularly practiced child sacrifice? I examined the Old Testament passages Was Joshua’s Slaughter of the Canaanites Morally Justified? Part 14: More OT on Child Sacrifice

The Holy Bible, King Don Version

I was so inspired by the photo of Donald Trump holding the Bible that, further inspired by a Stephen Colbert skit, I have decided to post selections from the King Don version of the Bible. So, here is the word of God, er, Don, er…. The Creation Story:           In the beginning it was fabulous. The Holy Bible, King Don Version