Month: December 2012

Ted Rall comes out?

I’ve occasionally referred to Ted Rall, the cartoonist and author, as an example of an ultraliberal theist who was indistinguishable from a godless humanist (especially a left-wing godless humanist) on ethical matters. But in a recent column, he says Science isn’t reconcilable with faith. Rubio knows that. But he also knows what would happen to Ted Rall comes out?

One Reason Why Strong Pro-Gay Marriage Supporters Should Be Worried

Whether the United States and the States should authorize same-sex marriage, in my opinion, should remain a matter of federal legislative public policy, and of state constitutional law and/or legislative public policy. Therefore, I strongly oppose the thesis that the United States and/or the states as a matter of federal constitutional law are obliged to One Reason Why Strong Pro-Gay Marriage Supporters Should Be Worried

Recent Paper on Skeptical Theism and the Evidential Argument from Evil

I just discovered this.  Justin P. McBrayer, “CORNEA and Inductive Evidence,” Faith and Philosophy 26 (2009): 77-86 Abstract: One of the primary tools in the theist’s defense against “noseeum” arguments from evil is an epistemic principle concerning the Conditions Of ReasoNable Epistemic Access (CORNEA) which places an important restriction on what counts as evidence. However, Recent Paper on Skeptical Theism and the Evidential Argument from Evil

Straw Manning the Opposition: a Christian Apologist on Two Common Atheist Arguments

Robin Shumacher at The Christian Post recently wrote an article entitled, “A Look at Two Common Atheist Arguments.” I want to quote the first two paragraphs of the article in full. Behind my desk is a huge binder containing essays and meaty book excerpts of atheist literature. The likes of Russell, Hume, Nietzsche, Sartre, and Straw Manning the Opposition: a Christian Apologist on Two Common Atheist Arguments

Atheist Persecution

“According to its survey of some 60 countries, the seven where expression of atheist views or defection from the official religion can bring capital punishment are Afghanistan, Iran, Maldives, Mauritania, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and Sudan.”LINK Your name Your email Subject Your message (optional)