
Boudry’s Hoax on “Sophisticated Theologians”

Dr. Maarten Boudry performs a ‘Sokal-style hoax‘ on two theology conferences. Here is the abstract: The Paradoxes of Darwinian Disorder. Towards an Ontological Reaffirmation of Order and Transcendence. Robert A. Maundy,  College of the Holy Cross, Reno, Nevada In the Darwinian perspective, order is not immanent in reality, but it is a self-affirming aspect of reality Boudry’s Hoax on “Sophisticated Theologians”

Debunking the Myth of Persecution

I have a cartoon on my office door showing a pie chart representing religious affiliation in the U.S. Of course, by far the largest section of the pie is labelled “Christian.” All others are represented by small slivers. A speech balloon from the Christian part says “Help! We are being oppressed!” The rhetoric of oppression Debunking the Myth of Persecution

William Lane Craig’s silly views on animal pain further debunked

This brand new video exposes in some detail the absurdity of William Lane Craig’s ongoing attempt to defend his silly, unscientific views regarding animal pain (his view is that animals other than higher primates are unaware they have it – which is a great comfort to animal lovers like himself). This video responds to Craig’s William Lane Craig’s silly views on animal pain further debunked

Who is a Real Christian?

Why would an atheist be interested in this question? The answer is personal. Self-righteous hypocrites piss me off. I guess that is something I retain from youthful Sunday school lessons. Jesus inveighed against sanctimonious hypocrites more than any other group. “Whitewashed sepulchers,” he colorfully called them (Matthew 23:27), “…which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are Who is a Real Christian?

Religion in Human Evolution

I tried to read Robert N. Bellah’s Religion in Human Evolution. It should have been interesting—prominent social scientist writes ambitious, sweeping book about religion—but I abandoned it about a third of the way through. I rarely fail to finish books. But I couldn’t stand this one any more. My impression: it’s a profoundly learned but Religion in Human Evolution

Tom Flynn on Dennis Prager

As always, Tom Flynn has written another spirited essay, this time in response to Dennis Prager on atheism and consolation. LINK I agree with pretty much everything he writes. Yet I find myself thinking, “Yeah, but …” as I read it. I think the first thing that needs to be said is that what counts Tom Flynn on Dennis Prager

Ted Rall comes out?

I’ve occasionally referred to Ted Rall, the cartoonist and author, as an example of an ultraliberal theist who was indistinguishable from a godless humanist (especially a left-wing godless humanist) on ethical matters. But in a recent column, he says Science isn’t reconcilable with faith. Rubio knows that. But he also knows what would happen to Ted Rall comes out?