Month: January 2013

Call for Papers

While I am blogging about the Internet Infidels, I’d like to take this opportunity to remind everyone that I.I. is always interested in publishing new essays on The Secular Web. Our “Call for Papers” page lists essays and book reviews we would especially like to publish, but if you are interested in writing on another Call for Papers

Internet Infidels Board of Directors

I just rejoined the Internet Infidels Board of Directors for the first time in 8-10 years. We are looking for a couple of more people to join the Board. If you are interested, please respond to the post and I will contact you off-line. Your name Your email Subject Your message (optional)

More Straw Manning of the Opposition

Over at He Lives, David Heddle provides another example of a theist straw manning the opposition. He writes: Intellectual atheism in the 21st century: • If God made everything, who made God? (Dawkins) • Religion poisons everything! (Hitchens) • Science and religion are not compatible! (Coyne) • I’m a genius and can use Bayes’s Theorem to show Jesus didn’t More Straw Manning of the Opposition

Religion in Human Evolution

I tried to read Robert N. Bellah’s Religion in Human Evolution. It should have been interesting—prominent social scientist writes ambitious, sweeping book about religion—but I abandoned it about a third of the way through. I rarely fail to finish books. But I couldn’t stand this one any more. My impression: it’s a profoundly learned but Religion in Human Evolution

Loftus’s Outsider Test for Faith viewed in HD with Bayes’s Theorem

In a recent post, I mentioned that anyone interested in the discussion regarding “atheism versus faith” should be reading John Loftus. Particularly, I noted an argument from his excellent Why I Became an Atheist, the “Outsider’s Test for Faith” (OTF), which he is elaborating upon in a new book of that title to be published Loftus’s Outsider Test for Faith viewed in HD with Bayes’s Theorem