Randal Rauser

Randal Rauser’s Most Excellent Review of the Lowder-Turek Debate

I think this just might be the best review ever written of a debate between an atheist and a theist. It’s comprehensive, thoughtful, irenic, fair, and well-written. I agree with almost the entire review, with the exception of Randal’s point about the definition of naturalism. I don’t consider that to be a flaw of the review in Randal Rauser’s Most Excellent Review of the Lowder-Turek Debate

How Theists Can Avoid God-of-the-Gaps Arguments and Still Argue for God

Background: In the context of a review of Dan Barker’s book, Godless, Randal Rauser had a very brief, even cryptic, exchange in the combox for his about God-of-the-Gaps (GOTG) arguments. (See here and here.) That exchange led to his latest post, which you can read for yourself here. I’ve decided to post my response on my own blog here, How Theists Can Avoid God-of-the-Gaps Arguments and Still Argue for God

Christian Apologists Ignore the Best Objections to the Moral Argument

(Redated post originally published on 2 August 2014) To be precise, there are many kinds of moral arguments for theism. The question in the title is really talking about what we might call “ontological” or “metaphysical” moral arguments, the kind which claim that we need God in order to have an “ontological foundation” for objective Christian Apologists Ignore the Best Objections to the Moral Argument

An Example of Why Atheists Need to do Effective Counter-Apologetics and an Example of How Not to Do That

1. An Example of Why Atheists Need to do Effective Counter-Apologetics You could call this post a sequel to my earlier post, “On Caring about Whether Other People Become Naturalists.” Christian apologist Greg Koukl has released a video arguing that, yes, atheists suppress the truth in unrighteousness. For those of us who are familiar with An Example of Why Atheists Need to do Effective Counter-Apologetics and an Example of How Not to Do That

Randal Rauser’s Latest Book (with a Contribution from Yours Truly)

Randal Rauser has written a new book, Is the Atheist My Neighbor? Rethinking Christian Attitudes Towards Atheism. Rauser’s book is a model of philosophical charity. In the book, Rauser argues against Christian stereotypes of atheists, on both empirical and Biblical grounds. For this reason alone, I think all atheists should want this book. Here is a link to the Randal Rauser’s Latest Book (with a Contribution from Yours Truly)