
Skepticism about Religion – Part 2: Caveats and Qualifications

DOES RELIGION HAVE A POSITIVE CORRELATION WITH HAPPINESS? There are many empirical studies that appear to show that religion has a positive correlation with happiness.  However, there are a number of important caveats and qualifications that need to be taken into consideration here: 1. Viewed in geographic terms, religion has a NEGATIVE correlation with happiness. Skepticism about Religion – Part 2: Caveats and Qualifications

Why I Reject the Resurrection – Part 4: Skepticism about the Supernatural

SKEPTICAL CLAIMS ABOUT SUPERNATURAL BELIEFS Two points from my List of Key Points about the resurrection relate directly to skepticism about the supernatural: 1. Nobody KNOWS that supernatural beings exist. 2. Nobody KNOWS that supernatural events occur. There are two more related points that should be added to the above two points: 21. Nobody KNOWS Why I Reject the Resurrection – Part 4: Skepticism about the Supernatural

Black Holes and the Problem of Evil

Data produced by the Hubble Space Telescope show that the brightest supernova ever recorded was actually a star being torn apart by a black hole in what is being called the ASASSN-15lh event. This has a high “coolness factor” for astronomy enthusiasts. But I couldn’t help but wonder a little whether there were any planets Black Holes and the Problem of Evil

Geisler’s Five Ways – Part 6: Arguments for the Intelligence of the Creator

Here is my version of Geisler’s first argument in Phase 2 of his case for God: ARGUMENT #1 OF PHASE 2 10a. Only a being with great power could create the whole universe by itself, and only a being with great power could sustain the existence of the whole universe by itself  (for even just one moment). 11a. There is a being that both (a) created Geisler’s Five Ways – Part 6: Arguments for the Intelligence of the Creator

McDowell’s Trilemma – Part 1: An Eternally Bodiless Person

Here are the basic premises of McDowell’s Trilemma Argument (hereafter: MTA), from The New Evidence that Demands a Verdict (hereafter: NETDV by Josh McDowell: ================= …Jesus definitely claimed to be God (see below and in Chapter 6).  So every person must answer the question: Is His claim to deity true or false?  This question deserves a McDowell’s Trilemma – Part 1: An Eternally Bodiless Person