meaning of life

Paul Draper’s Chapter, “Christian Theism and Life on Earth”

Keywords: Christian theism and life on earth; arguments against Christian theism, CT and IN; comparing Christian theism (“CT”) to “indifference naturalism”; IN, a form of naturalism and CT, supernaturalism; evolution, on special creationism as false; implication of God’s “rationality,” creating a universe; theistic objections to special creationism; methodological naturalism, in the physical sciences; IN and Paul Draper’s Chapter, “Christian Theism and Life on Earth”

LINK: Mikael Stenmark on Evolution, Purpose, and God

A number of biologists maintain that the recent developments in evolutionary biology have profound implications for religion, morality and our self-understanding. The author focuses on the issue whether evolutionary biology has any relevance for a religious understanding of the meaning of life. First, the question about the meaning of life is clarified. Second, the argument LINK: Mikael Stenmark on Evolution, Purpose, and God

Atheism and the Meaning of Life

I would like to add a bit more to my earlier discussion of the charge often made by theistic apologists that life must be meaningless for atheists: An argument frequently deployed in popular attacks on atheism is the claim that atheism makes life meaningless. Without God, without a transcendent source of meaning and purpose, human Atheism and the Meaning of Life