Keith Parsons

Jesus Wants You to Starve the Poor

From Good Christian Michelle Bachmann: And Jesus spake unto them saying, “Blessed are the rich, for they shall dine sumptuously. Verily, tiramisu and foie gras are their just rewards, for wealth is ever the product of godly diligence. But woe unto the poor! Bitterness shall be their meat and sorrow their drink, for, yea, the Jesus Wants You to Starve the Poor

Parsons is Mean

Someone named Randal Rauser thinks I am being mean to fundamentalists: I am. I ain’t a Christian. I don’t turn the other cheek or love my enemies or pray for those that say mean things about atheists. What justifies ridicule? The ridiculous deserves to be ridiculed. Well, we should spare the innocent ridiculousness of Parsons is Mean

Patheos is Great. The Ads Suck

I have greatly enjoyed posting and commenting on Patheos. The look is great and the organization of posts and comments is first-rate. However, I am finding the ads increasingly intrusive. It always irritates me when I am trying to read a page and the ad is jumping around trying to get my attention. I’ve gotten Patheos is Great. The Ads Suck

How do you Solve a Problem like Fundamentalism?

This is an insightful and accurate description of the pernicious effects of fundamentalism on, well, everything. I particularly like the last paragraph which is an antidote to the overly-optimistic bromides you often hear about how education, particularly science education, is the cure for the current plague of anti-intellectualism and fundamentalism. Baloney. Trying to stem How do you Solve a Problem like Fundamentalism?

Bollocks Venn Diagram

Check this out: This is terrific! I note that Scientology lies in the intersection of all four categories of nonsense. I guess that means that it is the most irrational of all. Your name Your email Subject Your message (optional)

A Taxonomy of Interlocutors

This post is mostly addressed to nontheists who engage in online debate with theists. If you discuss a topic as controversial as religion in a public forum, you will get challenged. The resulting debates are sometimes intellectually stimulating, instructive, and fruitful. Other times…not so much. Here at SO I recently engaged in two discussions on A Taxonomy of Interlocutors

Richard Dawkins finds Jesus

Hot news from Oxford, England: Noted atheist scientist and author Richard Dawkins has declared that he is no longer an atheist and has become a Christian. Dawkins, author of The God Delusion was quoted as saying, “Really, there is just a bit too much evidence of design in living things to attribute it all to Richard Dawkins finds Jesus

Debunking the Myth of Persecution

I have a cartoon on my office door showing a pie chart representing religious affiliation in the U.S. Of course, by far the largest section of the pie is labelled “Christian.” All others are represented by small slivers. A speech balloon from the Christian part says “Help! We are being oppressed!” The rhetoric of oppression Debunking the Myth of Persecution