With Friends Like These, Who Needs Enemies?

So apparently an atheist[1] in Leesburg, Virginia decided to erect a “holiday” display which consists of a skeleton dressed as Santa being crucified.


Pictures of this stunt are also available in your local neighborhood library’s encyclopedia, under the following entries:

  • Offensive — unnecessarily offensive, to be precise
  • Stupid
  • How Not to Win Friends and Influence People

Seems to me that someone needs to relearn the lesson about “just because you have the legal right to do something doesn’t make it a good idea.” Also, I think an introductory course in marketing or public relations would be helpful. Because I can guarantee you that, if the community in Leesburg thinks that atheists sanctioned this, the clown who did this has just damaged the image of atheists in that community for a long, long time.


[1] It’s not clear if this was the work of a single individual or if this was sanctioned by an atheist organization.