TRUMP’S LIES and the LYING LIARS Who Tell Them

We used to have Al Franken to point out many of the lies of the BIG FAT IDIOTS on the right (e.g. Rush Limbaugh) and the of the LYING LIARS (e.g. Sean Hannity, Bill O’Reilly, Ann Coulter, and more recently the snivelling racist shithead Tucker Carlson).

Franken is still pointing out the lying liars, but for the TRUCKLOAD OF LIES and bullshit that came out of Trump’s mouth during the Presidential debate on Thursday, we should turn to major fact-checkers to find out what specific lies, exaggerations, falsehoods, and bullshit Trump spewed out in the debate:

These are the key topics that were discussed:

Inflation and economy
Trump legal cases
Social Security, Medicare and taxes
Health care
Foreign policy and terrorism
Election denial and Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol
Worst president rankings

In my view, TRUMP LOST on every one of these issues! Trump lost in terms of the points he made vs. the points Biden made, and Trump also lost in terms of a fair and objective comparison of Trump’s presidency with Biden’s presidency. Trump is a DOUBLE LOSER on every key issue that was discussed.


I’m not going to try to cover all of the key topics of the debate (at least not in this one post). So, I will try to focus in on what seems to be the most important issue that was discussed and move on to other issues in future posts.

In order to put the whole debate into a proper framework, we need first to examine what I believe is the most important issue that was debated:

Who was the worst president ever of the USA?

Trump says: Biden was the worst president ever. Biden says: Trump was the worst president ever. Who is right? or are both of them wrong?

Here is what Politifact had to say on this point:

True. The 2024 Presidential Greatness Project Expert Survey, released in February, collected responses from 154 presidential historians, which included current and recent members of the American Political Science Association. The survey ranked Biden as the 14th best president in U.S. history, and put Trump last.

The historians were asked to give every president a score, from zero to 100. Abraham Lincoln topped the list with an average score of 95, while Biden scored an average of 62.66. Trump averaged just under 11 points.

Presidential historians are experts on the successes and failures of US presidents over the course of the 250-year history of our nation. These are people who are highly informed and highly qualified to determine who was the worst president in the history of our country. They determined that the worst president in the history of our nation was: DONALD TRUMP. Biden was not ranked as the best president, but he was ranked in the top one-third of the presidents, while Trump was at the very bottom of the list.

Knowing that highly informed and highly qualified experts on the presidents that have led our country ranked DONALD TRUMP as the worst president in the history of our nation, puts the proper framework for the rest of the debate. Trump did not deserve to be on the stage next to President Biden:

NOBODY should seriously consider voting for a man who was the worst President in the history of our nation.

Biden made another point that provides powerful evidence for his point of view on this issue. During the debate Biden claimed that only 4 out of 44 of Trump’s cabinet members supported his candidacy for the 2024 Presidential race. This is true, based on a report from NBC News:

Donald Trump may have put them in the most powerful and prestigious jobs many will ever hold, but few who worked in his Cabinet are rushing to endorse him in his bid to return to the White House.

NBC News reached out to 44 of the dozens of people who served in Trump’s Cabinet over his term in office. Most declined to comment or ignored the requests. A total of four have said publicly they support his run for re-election. Several have been coy about where they stand, stopping short of endorsing Trump with the GOP primary race underway. Then there are those who outright oppose his bid for the GOP nomination or are adamant that they don’t want him back in power.

This is powerful evidence that backs up Biden’s claim that Donald Trump was the worst president in the history of the USA.

Trump had no strong points to show that Biden was the worst president in the history of our country. His points consisted of lies, exaggerations, and bullshit about Immigration, Inflation, Crime, and Foreign Policy under Biden’s administration.

In order to determine whether Trump made any significant points in support of his very implausible claim that Biden is the worst president that this country has ever had, we have to examine the various complaints and criticisms made by Trump about Biden’s administration, which I plan to do in future posts.

However, since nearly everything that came out of Trump’s mouth during the debate was a lie, an exaggeration, a falsehood, or bullshit, it seems very unlikely that Trump made any significant case for his implausible claim that Biden is the worst president we have ever had.

Assuming that Trump’s key criticisms of Biden’s presidency are as flimsy, false, or baseless as I suspect, then Biden clearly wins on the most important issue that was discussed during the debate on Thursday. If Trump was the worst President in the history of the USA, then the rest of the debate is of little significance:

NOBODY should vote to re-elect the worst president that our country has ever had.