
Trump CLEARLY LOST the Debate: REASON #3 – Trump LOST on Trade & Economic Growth

WHERE WE ARE The FIRST REASON why Donald Trump LOST the debate was that he lost the debate on the single most important question of the debate  (see my post “TRUMP’S LIES and the LYING LIARS Who Tell Them“): Who was the worst president in the history of our nation? The SECOND REASON why Donald Trump LOST the debate was because Trump CLEARLY LOST the Debate: REASON #3 – Trump LOST on Trade & Economic Growth


In the 2016 Election, nearly 63 million Americans voted for Donald Trump. While nearly 66 million Americans voted for Hillary Clinton, Trump won the election, because he received 306 electoral college votes, while Hillary Clinton received 232 electoral college votes.[1][2] My thinking, in response to that election, goes like this: 1. Anyone who voted for OUR IDIOCRACY & DEMOCRACY

Trump CLEARLY LOST the Debate

ONE REASON why Donald Trump clearly lost the debate with Joe Biden, is that Trump lost on the single most important issue of the whole debate: WHO WAS THE WORST PRESIDENT IN THE HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES? Biden claimed that Trump was the worst president that we have ever had, and Biden made a Trump CLEARLY LOST the Debate

How the Suffering and Death of Billions and Billions of Kids Completely Disproves the Existence of a Good and Loving God – Including Wrecking Free Will Theodicy in the Process

This essay is in association with the June 2022 Biblical Studies Carnival you can check out at Just the Stat’s Ma’am I first got a hint of the facts that — as screamingly obvious as they are have gone shockingly ignored — refute the premise presented in the Bible and other scriptures that there How the Suffering and Death of Billions and Billions of Kids Completely Disproves the Existence of a Good and Loving God – Including Wrecking Free Will Theodicy in the Process

The Forced Birth Movement Hates Real Religious Liberty – How to Use That Against Them by Making Abortion a Religious (And Medical) Right

It has not worked. The prochoice movement opposed by the religious right has been making an enormous mistake. We know that because it is experiencing disaster. That when a solid majority of Americans favor abortion rights Roe v Wade included. It is all too clear that what it has been done in support of women The Forced Birth Movement Hates Real Religious Liberty – How to Use That Against Them by Making Abortion a Religious (And Medical) Right

Defending the Conspiracy Theory – Part 1: Defeating an OLD Apologetic Argument

At the NW Miracles Conference, I discussed the question “Is it ever reasonable to believe miracle claims?” with Christian thinker Hans Vodder, who has graduate degrees in both philosophy and theology. We were, however, just the warm-up act for the big closing event of the conference: a debate between Michael Shermer and Luuk van de Defending the Conspiracy Theory – Part 1: Defeating an OLD Apologetic Argument