
Trump CLEARLY LOST the Debate

ONE REASON why Donald Trump clearly lost the debate with Joe Biden, is that Trump lost on the single most important issue of the whole debate: WHO WAS THE WORST PRESIDENT IN THE HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES? Biden claimed that Trump was the worst president that we have ever had, and Biden made a Trump CLEARLY LOST the Debate

The Historical Unreliability of Matthew – Part 4: The Rest of the Birth Story

WHERE WE ARE Most of the stories about Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew were borrowed from the earlier Gospel of Mark. In Part 1 of this series, I provided some general reasons why we should doubt the historical reliability of any changes or additions to the stories about Jesus made by the author of the Gospel of Matthew to the stories about Jesus that The Historical Unreliability of Matthew – Part 4: The Rest of the Birth Story

Frank Schaeffer Speaking the Naked Truth about Evangelical Christianity The problem with Evangelical Christianity is NOT just that it has become politicized and become a political tool of the Republican Party (in the USA). The problem is that it is a false superstition that is based on unthinking acceptance of the authority of the Bible. The Bible is merely a product of flawed Frank Schaeffer Speaking the Naked Truth about Evangelical Christianity