If Jesus Rose from the Dead, then God does NOT Exist – Part 2

Jesus was NOT the divine Son of God.  This is clear because:

  • God is a bodiless spirit, but Jesus had a body.
  • God cannot suffer, but Jesus suffered.
  • God is immortal, but Jesus was mortal (he died).

Because Jesus is NOT the divine Son of God,  then the belief that Jesus was the divine Son of God would be both a FALSE and UNHEALTHY  belief.

God would NOT have raised Jesus from the dead, because God, being omniscient (all-knowing) would foresee that the initial followers of Jesus would MISTAKENLY conclude that Jesus was the divine Son of God, and that they would in turn create a movement that would influence billions of people to adopt this FALSE and UNHEALTHY belief.  God would NOT have raised Jesus from the dead, because that would involve God in a Great Deception.

However, it is logically possible for a human being to be omnipotent (all-powerful), omniscient (all-knowing), and perfectly morally good.  If Jesus possessed these three important divine attributes or perfections, then it would at least be partially true that Jesus was the divine Son of God (as well as partially false).

In the first post of this series,  I argued that if Jesus was a morally flawed person, but possessed the divine attributes of omnipotence and omniscience, then Jesus would be a MONSTER, a great threat to the human race, the planet Earth, and to the existence of the entire universe.   So, if Jesus was a morally flawed person and was omnipotent and omniscient, then there would be no justice in the claim that Jesus was the divine Son of God,  that belief would clearly be FALSE and UNHEALTHY.


I previously argued that Jesus was a morally flawed person on the grounds that Jesus was named after JOSHUA, a bloodthirsty warrior who led the army of Israel to slaughter thousands of elderly men and women, adult men and women, teenage boys and girls, young children, and infants in genocidal warfare.  IF Jesus was a perfectly morally good person, he would have rejected his name as soon as learning about the horrible actions of Joshua, and would have given himself a new name.  Jesus did NOT do this, so Jesus was a morally flawed person.

So, if Jesus did possess the divine attributes of omnipotence and omniscience, then Jesus would have been a MONSTER, a terrible threat to the human race, to the planet, and to the entire universe.  The claim that Jesus was the divine Son of God would be a FALSE and UNHEALTHY belief, and God would NOT have raised Jesus from the dead.


There are other reasons, besides keeping his given name, that show Jesus to be a morally flawed person.  Jesus was a sexist.  Sexism is unfair and unjust.  So, the fact that Jesus was a sexist implies that Jesus was a morally flawed person.  Although Jesus did accept women as followers, his inner circle of twelve disciples consisted exclusively of MEN.  This is a clear sign that Jesus bought into the patriarchy of Jewish tradition and religion.  Jesus was a sexist.


The main reason, however, that we can KNOW that Jesus was a morally flawed person, is that Jesus promoted worship of and obedience to Jehovah (or Yahweh), the god of the Old Testament.

Jehovah was a sexist who commanded that the Israelites follow sexist laws and practices.  Jehovah commanded that the Israelites engage in slavery.  Jehovah also commanded that the Israelites engage in wars of aggression to steal the land of Palestine away from the people who had already settled there.

Jehovah commanded the Israelites to mercilessly slaughter elderly men and women, adult men and women, teenage boys and girls, young children, and babies, when the Israelites went to war to steal land from other people.  Jehovah was an evil bloodthirsty bastard, based on what the OT tells us that Jehovah said and did.

IF Jesus was a perfectly morally good person, then he had a couple of options here:

  1. Preach that the OT was filled with lies about Jehovah (that Jehovah did NOT say and do the evil things that the OT claims he said and did).
  2. Preach that NOBODY should worship or obey Jehovah, the evil god of the OT.

Jesus did neither.  Instead, he conformed to his morally flawed culture and to his morally flawed upbringing, and Jesus promoted worship of and obedience to Jehovah, the evil god of the Old Testament.  Thus, there can be no doubt that Jesus was a morally flawed person.

Because we KNOW that Jesus was a morally flawed person, it is clear that Jesus was NOT the divine Son of God.  He not only had a body, suffered, and died, but also fell short of divinity in relation to what is probably the single most important divine attribute: perfect moral goodness.  So, Jesus is clearly NOT the divine Son of God.


Since Jesus is NOT the divine Son of God, it would have been a GREAT DECEPTION for God to raise Jesus from the dead, because God would have foreseen that this would lead to billions of people having the FALSE and UNHEALTHY belief that Jesus was the divine Son of God.  God, if God exists, is a perfectly morally good person, so God would never be involved in such a GREAT DECEPTION.


But what about SATAN?  Satan is evil and Satan is powerful.  So, maybe Satan caused Jesus to rise from the dead.  Although Satan might be able to raise a human from the dead, and might be inclined to do so in order to bring about a GREAT DECEPTION leading billions of people to have a FALSE and UNHEALTHY belief that Jesus was the divine Son of God,  this seems unlikely to have been the case.  God, if God exists, being perfectly morally good would want to prevent such a GREAT DECEPTION, and God, being omniscient (all-knowing) would be aware of Satan’s scheme, and God, being omnipotent (all-powerful) would be able to prevent Satan from raising Jesus from the dead,  so it seems unlikely that God would allow Satan to carry out this evil scheme.

What about a well-meaning, but misguided angel?  What if Michael the Archangel was an admirer of Jesus and Michael wanted to intervene and raise Jesus from the dead.  Again, although Michael’s intentions might be good, God, would foresee that this would lead to billions of people having a FALSE and UNHEALTHY belief.  God, if God exists, being perfectly morally good would want to prevent such a GREAT DECEPTION, and God, being omniscient (all-knowing) would be aware of Michael’s plan, and God, being omnipotent (all-powerful) would be able to prevent Michael from raising Jesus from the dead,  so it seems unlikely that God would allow Michael to carry out this misguided plan.


Jesus was NOT God and NOT the divine Son of God because Jesus clearly lacks some divine attributes:

  • Jesus had a body (God is a bodiless spirit)
  • Jesus suffered (God cannot suffer)
  • Jesus died (God is immortal)

But Jesus also lacked one of the most important divine attributes:

Jesus was a morally flawed person.

God, if God exists, would have foreseen that the resurrection of Jesus would lead to billions of people having the FALSE and UNHEALTHY belief that Jesus was the divine Son of God.  So, God would NOT have raised Jesus from the dead, and it is unlikely that God would have allowed any other being (good or evil) to raise Jesus from the dead.  God would NOT have been directly involved in a GREAT DECEPTION, and it is unlikely that God would allow such a deception to happen.

Therefore, IF Jesus rose from the dead, THEN it is probably the case that there is no God.  There was no all-knowing, all-powerful, and perfectly morally good being to prevent this GREAT DECEPTION.