Month: October 2016

Off Topic: Donald Trump is an IDIOT – Part 2: More of Trump’s Foreign Policy Stupidity

I have added another section to my OUTLINE and to my blog post Donald Trump is an IDIOT – Part 2: Trump’s Foreign Policy Stupidity: 5. There are Many Other Examples of Trump Foreign Policy Falsehoods. a. named Trump “King of Whoppers” at the end of 2015, because so much of what Trump asserts is Off Topic: Donald Trump is an IDIOT – Part 2: More of Trump’s Foreign Policy Stupidity

Geisler’s Five Ways – Part 4: Phase Two of Geisler’s Case for God

It is tempting to jump right into a critique of Geisler’s five initial arguments.  However, my first priority is to sketch out the logic of Geisler’s case for the existence of God in When Skeptics Ask (hereafter: WSA), and, as I have previously argued (in Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3), the five arguments are merely the first phase Geisler’s Five Ways – Part 4: Phase Two of Geisler’s Case for God

Behe’s Continues to Ignore His Strongest Philosophical Critic

The blog Evolution News & Views just re-published a long essay written by Michael Behe in 2000 in which he responds to the philosophical objections of his critics. It’s unfortunate, however, that Behe has never acknowledged his strongest philosophical critic, Purdue University philosopher Paul Draper. In 2002, Draper wrote a critique of Behe’s book, Darwin’s Black Behe’s Continues to Ignore His Strongest Philosophical Critic

Off Topic: Link to “Donald Trump is an IDIOT – Part 2” I have published my second post arguing that Trump is an IDIOT. The post is not fully completed, but it is about 75% done, so you can read most of it right now. I plan to complete the post tomorrow (Thursday, October 27th). Your name Your email Subject Your message (optional)

The Essentially Good-vs.-Morally Responsible Argument for Atheism

In the spirit of Ted Drange’s 1998 article, “Incompatible-Properties Arguments: A Survey,” I wish to sketch the following argument for consideration. Suppose we define “God” as a being who has, among other things, the following attributes: (m) essentially good; and (n) morally responsible for His actions. Using these definitions, we can construct the following argument. The Essentially Good-vs.-Morally Responsible Argument for Atheism

Geisler’s Five Ways – Part 2: How Many Arguments for God?

In Chapter  2 of When Skeptics Ask (hereafter: WSA), Norman Geisler appears to present five different arguments for the existence of God.  However, there are some significant problems with this characterization of Geisler’s case for God.   NONE of the five arguments end with the conclusion that “God exists”.  In fact, only his first argument even mentions the word “God”, Geisler’s Five Ways – Part 2: How Many Arguments for God?

Dream a Little Dream of Me

Barry Leventhal thinks that Jesus appears to people in dreams. ( His claim isn’t that people have dreams in which Jesus figures as part of the dream, but rather that Jesus, himself, appears in the dream. I suspect that Leventhal does not think that every dream involving Jesus counts as an appearance of him, though. Dream a Little Dream of Me