Month: February 2016

Hostility of the Universe to Life: Understated Evidence about Cosmic Fine-Tuning?

(Redated post originally dated 22 January 2013) I’ve blogged before about the fallacy of understated evidence. Here I want to explore further how it applies to fine-tuning arguments. Let us define the “general fact of cosmic ‘fine-tuning’” as follows. FT: some universe or other has the initial conditions, laws, and constants which make the existence Hostility of the Universe to Life: Understated Evidence about Cosmic Fine-Tuning?

Bibliography on Arguments for Atheism

(redated post originally published on 7 November 2011) The purpose of this bibliography is to provide a comprehensive listing of academic resurces which contain presentations, formulations, or defenses of various arguments for atheism. The bibliography currently omits any references to resources which criticize those arguments; I hope to fix that in the future as time Bibliography on Arguments for Atheism

Paul Draper, the Fallacy of Understated Evidence, Theism, and Naturalism

(Redated post originally published on 23 November 2011) Paul Draper has usefully identified a fallacy of inductive reasoning he calls the “fallacy of understated evidence.” According to Draper, in the context of arguments for theism and against naturalism, proponents of a theistic argument are guilty of this fallacy if they “successfully identify some general fact Paul Draper, the Fallacy of Understated Evidence, Theism, and Naturalism

I Don’t Care – Part 3

According to the Christian philosopher Peter Kreeft, and many others, Aquinas gives five different arguments for the existence of God.  In the Handbook of Christian Apologetics (IVP, 1994; hereafter: HCA) by Peter Kreeft and Ronald Tacelli, there is a chapter that lays out twenty different arguments for the existence of God, and the first five arguments I Don’t Care – Part 3

Apologist Josh McDowell: Internet the Greatest Threat to Christians

(Redated post originally published on 19 November 2011) This is old news, but cries out for a comment. According to The Christian Post, Josh McDowell has declared the Internet to be the greatest threat to Christians. As the editor of an Internet anthology rebutting McDowell’s book Evidence That Demands a Verdict, I naturally found this Apologist Josh McDowell: Internet the Greatest Threat to Christians

God, Multi-verses, and Modal Realism

(redated post originally published on 16 November 2011) I have heard in various quarters recently the claim that Lewis’ version of modal realism is (a) just a kind of multi-verse theory; and (b) intrinsically incompatible with theism. A partial discussion of this issue may be found in the pages of Philosophia Christi: Richard Davis ‘God God, Multi-verses, and Modal Realism

Moreland on Consciousness

(redated post originally published on 14 November 2011) Re: There have been some further developments in this discussion. See: Graham Oppy “Critical Notice of J. P. Moreland’s Consciousness and the Existence of God” European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 3, 1, 2011, 193-212 J. P. Moreland “Oppy on the Argument from Consciousness: A Rejoinder” Moreland on Consciousness

I Don’t Care – Part 2

OK. Maybe I care just a little bit. I summarized my complaint against Aquinas’ Five Ways this way (in response to a comment from Jeff Lowder): I’m just pointing out that (a) NONE of the Five Ways is an argument for the existence of God as it stands (in the section called “Whether God Exists?”), I Don’t Care – Part 2

Norman Geisler on Evangelical Scholarship and Following the Evidence Wherever It Leads

(redated post originally published on 9 November 2011) An Internet search engine quickly led me to Dr. Norman Geisler’s website, where he has posted his side of the story regarding the Michael Licona inerrancy controversy. In one of Geisler’s responses to Licona, he writes: Tenth, Licona claims that to reject a view like his is Norman Geisler on Evangelical Scholarship and Following the Evidence Wherever It Leads