Month: August 2015

God, Last Night’s Republication Debate, and Moral Disagreement

During last night’s prime-time Republican Presidential Candidate Debate, Fox News host Megyn Kelly said this: after the break, we’re going to let the candidates make their closing statements, their final thoughts, and God. Stay tuned for that. After the commercial break, Kelly said: “An interesting closing question from Chase Norton on Facebook, who wants to God, Last Night’s Republication Debate, and Moral Disagreement

Stupid Atheist Meme #2: “It is wrong always, everywhere, and for anyone, to believe anything upon insufficient evidence”

This is my second post in my series on stupid atheist memes. (For the previous entry, click here.) I’d like to discuss the following meme, coined by philosopher W.K. Clifford in his famous essay, “The Ethics of Belief.” It is wrong always, everywhere, and for anyone, to believe anything upon insufficient evidence. While I am Stupid Atheist Meme #2: “It is wrong always, everywhere, and for anyone, to believe anything upon insufficient evidence”

I Get Hate Tweets

While the Secular Outpost strives to promote a professional, respectful atmosphere, it’s useful to be reminded that “Real Life” can sometimes be very different.Here’s a case in point. A vitriolic, apparently (?) Catholic Twitter user with the handle (@NIGELTEAPOT) recently sent me a stream of 18 tweets before blocking me.Here’s the context. Pastor Rick Henderson I Get Hate Tweets

Another Christian Apologist Tears Down a Straw Man of Atheist Morality

My friend Wintery Knight (WK) has written another blog post on the topic of morality. Like so many other theists (and a few atheists), he manages to completely botch the topic of atheist morality. Who Speaks for Atheists, Anyway? If you want to determine Christian beliefs about something, you can see what the Bible and various representatives of Another Christian Apologist Tears Down a Straw Man of Atheist Morality