Month: March 2015

Please Support the Ultimate Counter-Creationism Resource, Troubles in Paradise (TIP)!

The following is a guest post by James Downard, who is spearheading the Troubles in Paradise (TIP) project. I’ll put the #TIP project into as small a nutshell as possible. I’m assembling the ultimate counter-creationism resource (think Talk Origins Archive on a gigantic updated scale, if you need proof of the scale, open up the Please Support the Ultimate Counter-Creationism Resource, Troubles in Paradise (TIP)!

Jerry Coyne Blocking: Episode II

I’ll make this very brief and to the point. Jerry Coyne wrote something on his website. (The details don’t even matter, but if you’re curious, you can read the article here.) A scientist named Ben Allen disagrees with something Coyne wrote. Allen submits a comment critical of Coyne’s claim in the combox on Coyne’s website. Allen Jerry Coyne Blocking: Episode II

Rape them Atheists!

Here is something from the Huffington Post about somebody named Phil Robertson. Caution: if you have a sensitive stomach you may want to position an appropriate receptacle nearby. I don’t know much about this guy. He apparently is on some show about a duck or something. He looks like an ayatollah and sounds like Rape them Atheists!

What if you Saw a Miracle?

I recently saw this posted on Victor Reppert’s Dangerous Idea site. I haven’t got a copy of The Brothers Karamazov on hand so I cannot quote it directly from the (translated) original. Nevertheless, it is a succinct statement of a charge that many have made, namely that unbelievers—naturalists in particular—would not believe even if confronted What if you Saw a Miracle?

G&T Rebuttal, Part 6: Chapter 7

Chapter 7. Mother Theresa vs. Hitler In this chapter, G&T present a version of the moral argument for God’s existence which I call the “Moral Laws Require a Moral Lawgiver Argument,” which they formulate as follows. Like the earlier arguments, this argument is deductively valid. Like the earlier chapters about this argument, I plan to G&T Rebuttal, Part 6: Chapter 7

G&T Rebuttal, Part 5: Chapter 6

Chapter 6. New Life Forms: From the Goo to You via the Zoo? Drawing upon the work of sophisticated Intelligent Design (ID) theorists such as William Dembski, Michael Behe, and Jonathan Wells, this chapter uses many of the state-of-the art Intelligent Design (ID) arguments against evolution by natural selection. It also defends ID against various G&T Rebuttal, Part 5: Chapter 6