Apologetics Infographic #1: Atheism and Nothingness
If you spend enough time on Twitter following hashtags like #atheism, #theism, #apologetics, and the like, you’ll eventually see what I will call, for lack of a better term, ‘infographics’. They are usually light on images but heavy on words, in order to get around Twitter’s 140 character maximum length for tweets. Think of them as the extended edition of bumper stickers.
Some infographics are pro-atheism while others are anti-atheism. Some are pro-Christian while others are anti-Christian. I thought it might be interesting to subject some of these infographics to the sort of logical analysis that is pretty much impossible on Twitter, where each message must be less than 140 characters.
So, with that introduction, here is Apologetics Infographic #1.

Feel free to debate in the combox.