Month: May 2014

The Argument from Silence, Part 8: The Missing Links Argument against Biological Evolution

I began this series with a Bayesian interpretation of arguments from silence and then proceeded to use that interpretation to evaluate various arguments from silence about Jesus and God. In this post, I want to assess an argument from silence that is extremely popular with anti-evolutionists, an argument I call the “missing links” argument. If we abbreviate The Argument from Silence, Part 8: The Missing Links Argument against Biological Evolution

Stupid Apologetics Tricks

Here are some stupid apologetics tricks I’ve come across lately in things I’ve been reading. Feel free to add your own in the combox. If I like it enough, I may just add yours to the list! Stupid Apologetics Trick #1: (1) Really crappy debaters used stupid arguments and objections against H. (2) Therefore, H Stupid Apologetics Tricks

Sean B. Carroll’s List of 6 Arguments Used by Science Denialists

I finally found what I was looking for. Sean B. Carroll, the noted evolutionary biologist, author, and vice-president for science education at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, delivered a presentation at a 2012 conference on science denialism. He listed 6 arguments employed by science denialists that could be applied to almost any subject. They come Sean B. Carroll’s List of 6 Arguments Used by Science Denialists