Stupid Apologetics Tricks

Here are some stupid apologetics tricks I’ve come across lately in things I’ve been reading. Feel free to add your own in the combox. If I like it enough, I may just add yours to the list!

Stupid Apologetics Trick #1:

(1) Really crappy debaters used stupid arguments and objections against H.

(2) Therefore, H is true.

Stupid Apologetics Trick #2:

(1) H is true.

(2) Therefore, H is true.

Stupid Apologetics Trick #3:

Step 1. Literally ignore all of the evidence for X .

Step 2. Say there is no evidence for X.

Stupid Apologetics Trick #4:

(1)  H1 sucks as an explanation for X.

(2) Therefore, H2 is true.

Stupid Apologetics Trick #5:

(1) My opponent believes H1.

(2) Here are a bunch of objections to H2.

(3) Therefore, H3 is true.

Stupid Apologetics Trick #6:

(1) E1 is evidence for H1 and against H2.

(2) E2 is evidence for H1 and against H2.

(3) …

(n) En is evidence for H1 and against H2.

(n+1) Therefore, H1 is more probable than H2.

Stupid Apologetics Trick #7:

(1) If X and Y, then H1 is false.

(2) Authority A thinks that H1 is true and X is true.

(3) Authority B thinks that H1 is true and Y is true.

(4) Therefore, H1 is false.

Update (16 May 2014): Edited the conclusion of #1 and added #7.