Month: December 2012

William Lane Craig on the Prior Probability of the Resurrection

Prior to examining the specific evidence for and against Jesus’ resurrection, how probable is it that God raised Jesus from the dead? According to many Christian apologists, the answer is “not low” — at least, the answer is “not low” for theists. Are they right? For example, here is William Lane Craig: Dr. Ehrman just William Lane Craig on the Prior Probability of the Resurrection

An Explanatory Argument from Moral Ontology against Metaphysical Naturalism (v2.0)

(The following is a revised version of my “Arguing from Moral Ontology by Eliminating Nontheistic Alternatives.”)1. Definitions Moral ontology is the branch of meta-ethics concerned with the ontology or metaphysics of moral facts and properties.  Within the field of moral ontology, it is a commonplace that the nature of moral facts and properties fall into one An Explanatory Argument from Moral Ontology against Metaphysical Naturalism (v2.0)


Say, just as a matter of interest, can anybody tell me who or what determines which ads are displayed when we look at Secular Outpost? I have been getting one that says “Liberty University: Training Champions for Christ since 1971.” It has a faint image of someone who seems to be having an orgasm. Is Query