Review of J.L. Schellenberg’s The Wisdom to Doubt: Index

The purpose of this post is to serve as an index or hub page for all of the posts in my series on Schellenberg’s important book.
Book Reviewed | Our Rating |
Title: The Wisdom to Doubt: A Justification of Religious Skepticism
Author: J.L. Schellenberg Publisher: Cornell University Press Publication Date: 2007 List Price: $45.95 | Must Read |
Summary: This book is a “must-read” for anyone interested in philosophy of religion. |
The book’s table of contents is reproduced below; links to the corresponding section of my review will be added as they become available.
Preface: An Uncertain Heritage
Part I. Finitude and the Future: Seven Modes of Religious Skepticism
2. The Object Mode
3. The Retrospective Mode
4. The Prospective Mode
5. The Modes Combined: Limitations, Immaturity, Presumption
6. The Bearing of Pragmatic Considerations
Part II. Cradles of Conviction: The Modes Applied and Fortified
7. An Answer to Naturalism
8. The Questionableness of Religious Experience
Part III. God and the Gaps: The Modes Illustrated and Vindicated
9. Hiddenness Arguments I
10. Hiddenness Arguments II
11. The Argument from Horrors
12. The Free-Will Offense
13. Consolidating Forces: The Arguments Combined
14. Closing the Case: Seven Proofs and a Skeptical Conclusion
Appendix A. Definitions
Appendix B. Principles
Related Resources
Chris Fotinopoulos’s review for Australian Rationalist
Stephen Wykstra’s review for Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews
Jack MacIntosh’s review for Religious Studies (HT: ex-apologist)
Wes Morriston’s review for International Journal for Philosophy of Religion
Paul Draper’s review for Journal for American Academy of Religion
Charles Taliaferro’s review for Religious Studies Review
Richard Corrigan’s review for Philosophy in Review
John Cottingham’s review for Times Literary Supplement
“Beyond Divine Hiddenness: John Schellenberg’s Trilogy“