A Thanksgiving Gift from Emily

Dear Bleaders,

“Faith” is a fine invention

When Gentlemen can see–
But Microscopes are prudent
in an Emergency.
A favorite of mine from Emily Dickinson, offered here as a little digestif to your worldly feasts. Happy Thanksgiving. (Reread the poem slowly as if Lauren Becall were saying it into your ear very dramatically with an almost full honey stop on every verb and use all four syllables for E-mer-gen-cy. Anyway, that’s just a serving suggestion, you can shoot it howsomever you like.)
We’re already back from our festivities — had to come back cause we have a puppy –well, she’s not really a puppy anymore. Most of you are probably not.
Having fun? Still it is nice to sneak off and check the internest……tumbleweed……., see what’s cookin’ at the Secular Outpost.
How’s those relatives working for you? If any one starts to bother you, just tell them your poet told you you don’t have to listen to this, and then eat more pie.
We took home leftovers. I’m going to go have a secular sandwich.
x Jennifer