Month: October 2011

LINK: Audio of Russell-Copleston Debate on God’s Existence (Part 1 of 2)

This is an excerpt from the famous BBC Radio debate between Father Frederick C. Copleston and Bertrand Russell. In this section, they discuss Leibniz’s Argument from Contingency, which is a form of the Cosmological Argument. It differs from other Cosmological arguments (e.g. Kalam) in that it is consistent with an eternal universe, as it doesn’t LINK: Audio of Russell-Copleston Debate on God’s Existence (Part 1 of 2)

LINK: Mikael Stenmark on Evolution, Purpose, and God

A number of biologists maintain that the recent developments in evolutionary biology have profound implications for religion, morality and our self-understanding. The author focuses on the issue whether evolutionary biology has any relevance for a religious understanding of the meaning of life. First, the question about the meaning of life is clarified. Second, the argument LINK: Mikael Stenmark on Evolution, Purpose, and God

LINK: Brian Garvey on Absence of Evidence, Evidence of Absence, and the Atheist’s Teapot

Abstract Atheists often admit that there is no positive evidence for atheism. Many argue that there is nonetheless a prima facie argument, which I will refer to as the ‘teapot argument’. They liken agnosticism to remaining neutral on the existence of a teapot in outer space. The present paper argues that this analogy fails, for LINK: Brian Garvey on Absence of Evidence, Evidence of Absence, and the Atheist’s Teapot