Month: October 2011

Old News But Still Interesting: Vatican Plans Major Effort to Engage Non-Believers

I have been out of the loop; I completely missed this when it was news. Here’s a link to an announcement from the Vatican Information Service, dated March 18, 2011, about a formal dialogue between believers and non-believers. LINK Elsewhere, courtesy of Hemant Mehta at The Friendly Atheist, we learn that the Vatican’s desire to Old News But Still Interesting: Vatican Plans Major Effort to Engage Non-Believers

Repost: Shameless Self-Promotion of My Debate with Phil Fernandes

This is a re-post. Please pardon the shameless self-promotion, but the video of my 1999 debate with Phil Fernandes on naturalism vs. theism was uploaded to YouTube some time ago. If you haven’t already seen it, I invite you to view it here: Your name Your email Subject Your message (optional)

Probabilities and Ultimate Posits

Victor Reppert has a short essay on his Dangerous Idea blog on the use of probability arguments in the philosophy of religion. Here I would like to offer my own take on the question. A principle often invoked by theists making probability arguments is what Robin Collins calls the “prime principle of confirmation (PPC),” which Probabilities and Ultimate Posits

Flanagan’s Response to Me (Re: Jerry Coyne on Explaining Morality)

Matthew Flanagan has written a response to my post on Jerry Coyne and explaining morality. I am quoting his response in its entirety, with Flannagan’s permission. Hi Jeffery, I tried posting this on your site but couldn’t, feel free to do so. You write: ”I suspect that C.S. Lewis’ moral argument for God’s existence is Flanagan’s Response to Me (Re: Jerry Coyne on Explaining Morality)