Added Links to 2 New Blogs

I’ve added links on the bottom-right frame of the Secular Outpost to two new blogs.

  • The Frame Problem” According to its founder/editor, this blog is “the first blog carnival on the Net dedicated to Scientology, entitled the CarnivUL of The fraudless (or CarnivULT) – inspired by UTI’s the Carnival of the Godless.”
  • The Atheist Spot“: The editor/founder of this blog writes: “Our goal is to help the quality sites and blogs out there be heard, specifically those focused on the atheist (and associated) communities. The idea is similar to digg/reddit, where anyone can submit links to blog posts/stories/videos/comics/news items/etc, and other visitors vote the stories up or down. The key is that we are laser focused on content that is of interest to atheists and those interested in atheism.”