Putting religion in schools to defend evolution?

John West, an Intelligent Design proponent, writes that religious liberals and even secularists are injecting religion into public school classrooms. They do this by promoting varieties of theology that are warmer toward biological evolution than ID.

West might have a point. I don’t trust ID people— in my experience, they’re not reliable sources, putting their disagreeable spin on everything they talk about. And I’m way out of my depth when it comes to any law-related issue. But there is still something troubling about this.

Religion is the biggest source of resistance to evolution, and promoting more liberal religiosity is the only realistic way to deflect this resistance. So, for the sake of easing a major headache for science education, I’m inclined to say that sure, liberal religious statements about evolution can only help in the classroom. But in a more strictly secularist mood, I also want to say that I want all religion out of science education. I probably shouldn’t make exceptions for theologies that ease headaches.

I don’t know where I stand on this, really.