High weirdness

Like many creationism-watchers, I regularly visit sites such as The Discovery Institute, Answers in Genesis, and so on. I like weirdness, and these are good places to find views that are very weird from a mainstream scientific standpoint.

Today I ran into a paper in the Answers Research Journal that is high weirdness indeed: “An Apology and Unification Theory for the Reconciliation of Physical Matter and Metaphysical Cognizance” by Desmond P. Allen. Hoo boy. I don’t know how to describe it—best read it, or read it as far as you can stand. It’s one of the more interesting combinations of quantum-inspired craziness and young-earth creationism that I’ve ever run into. Normally, the two don’t mix well. I almost always see quantum abuse in more New Agey circles. And creationism, well, it’s popular, but it has a very narrow constituency nonetheless.

On top of that, there’s the “metaphysics” aspect of the whole thing. So here’s a combination of three separate forms of drivel: metaphysical pontification and two usually quite distinct forms of pseudoscience.

Quite an accomplishment.