
Randal Rauser’s Latest Book (with a Contribution from Yours Truly)

Randal Rauser has written a new book, Is the Atheist My Neighbor? Rethinking Christian Attitudes Towards Atheism. Rauser’s book is a model of philosophical charity. In the book, Rauser argues against Christian stereotypes of atheists, on both empirical and Biblical grounds. For this reason alone, I think all atheists should want this book. Here is a link to the Randal Rauser’s Latest Book (with a Contribution from Yours Truly)

If You Think Atheists Should Ridicule Theistic Beliefs, Read This

This is a paper I started writing almost ten years ago, but never finished. Atheistic Advocacy as a Risk Communication Problem Jeffery Jay Lowder Abstract. In this paper, I introduce a new way of thinking about atheistic advocacy. In an important sense, atheism is a risk. Therefore, attempts to argue either for the truth of If You Think Atheists Should Ridicule Theistic Beliefs, Read This

Embarrassed by Some Atheists

I don’t feel like naming names, but recent behavior by some prominent atheists (plural) has me feeling somewhat embarrassed to be associated with them. Your name Your email Subject Your message (optional)

Parsons is Mean

Someone named Randal Rauser thinks I am being mean to fundamentalists: I am. I ain’t a Christian. I don’t turn the other cheek or love my enemies or pray for those that say mean things about atheists. What justifies ridicule? The ridiculous deserves to be ridiculed. Well, we should spare the innocent ridiculousness of Parsons is Mean