
Sean Carroll’s 11 Lines of Evidence for Naturalism over Theism

This is my attempt to summarize the slides from Sean Carroll’s recent debate with WLC where he very quickly skimmed through eleven (11) lines of evidence which favor naturalism over theism. I don’t claim this is perfectly accurate; any corrections would be welcome and, in fact, appreciated! Facet Theism (Theistic Prediction) Naturalism (Naturalistic Prediction) Lowder’s Sean Carroll’s 11 Lines of Evidence for Naturalism over Theism

Craig-Carroll Debate

I missed the opening statements, but watched the rest of the debate live. Based on what I saw, Carroll did as well in his debate with Craig as Shelley Kagan did in his. Off the top of my head, this is the best debate performance I have ever seen by an atheist scientist. Your name Craig-Carroll Debate