Craig’s Dismissive Attitude Towards Arguments from Evil
On Twitter, user @BissetteHunter tweeted this fifteen second video clip of William Lane Craig discussing arguments from evil: Another bad take from Craig given during the Law debate. � — yourtypicaltheist (@BissetteHunter) July 19, 2021 In the case the link doesn’t work, here is the transcript: “Therefore, this problem of evil, I think, though … Craig’s Dismissive Attitude Towards Arguments from Evil
Our Knowledge of Gratuitous Evil
How do we know that some instance of evil is gratuitous? I think that there is much to say in favor of the idea that we simply see that the evil is gratuitous. That is, in observing some bad event, I observe directly that this event is neither necessary for the occurrence of some compensating … Our Knowledge of Gratuitous Evil
LINK: Environmental Ethics and the Expanding Problem of Evil
Abstract: The problem of evil is that morally gratuitous suffering and destruction is evidence against a benevolent and potent god. Often cases of this evil are restricted to human suffering, but if the moral universe is expanded in the fashion associated with environmental ethics, the scope of morally significant suffering and destruction grows. Consequently, the … LINK: Environmental Ethics and the Expanding Problem of Evil