free will

The Essentially Good-vs.-Morally Responsible Argument for Atheism

In the spirit of Ted Drange’s 1998 article, “Incompatible-Properties Arguments: A Survey,” I wish to sketch the following argument for consideration. Suppose we define “God” as a being who has, among other things, the following attributes: (m) essentially good; and (n) morally responsible for His actions. Using these definitions, we can construct the following argument. The Essentially Good-vs.-Morally Responsible Argument for Atheism

Quote of the Day (on Child Rape vs. Free Will)

Victor Reppert: Well, I personally would rather live in a world in which children are raped than in a world without free will. But I suspect you will find my preference repugnant. LINK (you may have to skip down to the comments box to find this) Your name Your email Subject Your message (optional)

Prof. Pruss on Hell and Free Choice

Prof. Alexander Pruss considers the traditional doctrine of hell and its alternatives: The three salient proposals, then, are these (2 and 3 are quotes from Prof. Pruss’s post): (1) The traditional doctrine: At death there can be no further changes in one’s eternal destiny. (2) Imposition: God imposes moral transformation on those who do Prof. Pruss on Hell and Free Choice

Guest Post by Angra Mainyu: Determinism and Compatibilism: A Reply to Jerry Coyne

Note: The following post is a guest post by SO commenter Angra Mainyu.In this post, Jerry Coyne made a some ethical and metaethical claims, as well as some claims about compatibilists. In this post, I would like to address some of his claims about compatibilists. I think the failure of many compatibilists to give explicit Guest Post by Angra Mainyu: Determinism and Compatibilism: A Reply to Jerry Coyne