ethical meaning

Does anything really matter?

Does anything really matter? Some people say no. Such people are proponents of nihilism, the view according to which nothing matters. According to nihilists, there is no reason to care about anything whatsoever. Nihilists do not deny that people care about things, they claim only that there is no reason to care about anything. Other Does anything really matter?

Christian Pastor Writes in HuffPo, “There Is No Such Thing as a Good Atheist”

Pastor Rick Henderson wrote en editorial in yesterday’s Huffington Post provocatively titled, “Why There Is No Such Thing as a Good Atheist.” While he does correctly state, “it is true that there is no definitive atheistic worldview,” there is very little else in this article which he gets right. Here’s Pastor Henderson: While it is true that Christian Pastor Writes in HuffPo, “There Is No Such Thing as a Good Atheist”

Quentin Smith on Bertrand Russell on “Unyielding Despair” and the Meaning of Life

In his essay, “A Free Man’s Worship,” Bertrand Russell writes: Such, in outline, but even more purposeless, more void of meaning, is the world which Science presents for our belief. Amid such a world, if anywhere, our ideals henceforward must find a home. That man is the product of causes which had no prevision of Quentin Smith on Bertrand Russell on “Unyielding Despair” and the Meaning of Life