
What is Philosophy – Part 2

Some people (who are sadly mistaken) think that the question “What is philosophy?” can be answered simply by picking up a dictionary and reading the definition (or definitions) of the word “philosophy”.  Although it is delusional to look to a dictionary to resolve this issue, it is not a bad idea to start out this What is Philosophy – Part 2

What is Philosophy? – Part 1

The question “What is philosophy?” is an important question.  One reason this question is important is that we must answer this question FIRST, before we can answer any of the following questions: Q1. Is philosophy a legitimate academic discipline? Q2. Is philosophy useful? Q3. Can investigation/inquiry/argumentation in philosophy produce answers to significant questions? Q4. Can What is Philosophy? – Part 1

The Nature of Naturalism

Over the last year (or two?), I’ve had on-again and off-again exchanges on various blogs with reader “Crude” about the definition of metaphysical naturalism. I’d like to comment on his (?) recent objections in the combox on Victor Reppert’s blog start with the linked comment here and work your way down. Each time we’ve had an The Nature of Naturalism