nontheistic metaethics

Moral Arguments for God and Coining a Name for a Common but Fallacious Objection

In response to Wintery Knight’s recent blog post on the plausibility of objective morality on atheism, I posted a comment in the combox on his site. The comment consisted solely of a link to my YouTube video, “Naturalism, Theism, and Moral Ontology: A Reply to William Lane Craig.” In response to that link, WK wrote Moral Arguments for God and Coining a Name for a Common but Fallacious Objection

Naturalism, Theism, and Moral Ontology: A Reply to William Lane Craig

(Reposting since this seems to be so popular. So far as I am aware, neither WLC nor anyone else has responded to this.)Abstract: This paper considers William Lane Craig’s metaethical argument for God’s existence. Roughly, the argument is that the existence of objective moral values provides strong evidence for God’s existence. I consider one by one Naturalism, Theism, and Moral Ontology: A Reply to William Lane Craig

Darwinian Morality and Rape?

(Redated post last published on 3 November 2011) According to Nancy Pearcey and biologist Jeffrey Schloss (see here), Darwinian evolution implies there is nothing ethically wrong with rape. Why? Pearcey argues that Darwinian evolution and moral realism are logically incompatible: In the words of sociobiology’s founder, E.O. Wilson, “the basis of ethics does not lie in God’s will”; Darwinian Morality and Rape?

Bibliography on Arguments for Atheism

(redated post originally published on 7 November 2011) The purpose of this bibliography is to provide a comprehensive listing of academic resurces which contain presentations, formulations, or defenses of various arguments for atheism. The bibliography currently omits any references to resources which criticize those arguments; I hope to fix that in the future as time Bibliography on Arguments for Atheism

“Value and Virtue in a Godless Universe” by Erik J. Wielenberg

(redating post originally published on 18 March 2006) This is the tile of a new book published by Cambridge University Press: Here is the book description: Suppose there is no God. This might imply that human life is meaningless, that there are no moral obligations and hence people cando whatever they want, and that “Value and Virtue in a Godless Universe” by Erik J. Wielenberg