Further Comments on http://subversivethinking.blogspot.com.au/2012/12/reply-to-professor-graham-oppys.html I shall restrict myself to one small comment on what is a very long post that covers a great deal of ground very quickly. In my previous post, I wrote this: “Question: Is there a first cause in causal reality? If so, then, causal reality begins with that first cause. Moreover, … …
Part of a response to: http://subversivethinking.blogspot.com.au/2012/12/graham-oppy-on-successful-arguments.html The argument we have been given — the kalam cosmological syllogism — is this: 1-Whatever begins to exist has a cause (of its beginning to exist) 2-The universe began to exist 3-Therefore, the universe has a cause (of its beginning to exist) Two immediate questions to ask when we … …
Senor on Craig/Moreland vs. Draper on Kalam Cosmological Argument
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J. Brian Pitts: Why the Big Bang Singularity Does Not Help the Kalam Cosmological Argument for Theism
Abstract: The cosmic singularity provides negligible evidence for creation in the finite past, and hence theism. A physical theory might have no metric or multiple metrics, so a ‘beginning’ must involve a first moment, not just finite age. Whether one dismisses singularities or takes them seriously, physics licenses no first moment. The analogy between the … J. Brian Pitts: Why the Big Bang Singularity Does Not Help the Kalam Cosmological Argument for Theism