
Parody: Ben Affleck and Sam Harris Debate Scientology

In case you missed it, Goldie Hoffman and Ruven Klausner have a hilarious sketch parody out of the Ben Affleck vs. Sam Harris debate. Instead of debating Islam, however, this sketch has them debating Scientology. Enjoy. ETA: You can follow more of their work at and Your name Your email Subject Your message (optional)

Biola University Offers Course on Apologetics vs. Philosophy

LA MIRADA, CALIFORNIA–BIOLA (Bible Institute of Los Angeles) University will offer a course, “Apologetics vs. Philosophy,” as part of its M.A. in Christian Apologetics program, which will focus on the differences between Christian apologetics and philosophy. In a press conference with an equal number of reporters, apologists, and local Awana kids, program spokesman J.P. Moreland cited renowned Biola University Offers Course on Apologetics vs. Philosophy

Artifacts Discovered in Dusty Academic Libraries Suggest WLC Once Participated in Fairly Matched Debates

LA MIRADA, CALIFORNIA–In a significant discovery that sheds new light on late twentieth century academic philosophy, researchers discovered new evidence this week suggesting that famed Christian debater William Lane Craig once participated in fairly matched debates with his opponents. The team of researchers–including Christian philosophers, theologians, altar boys, and vintage 1990s sweater enthusiasts–made the discovery this Artifacts Discovered in Dusty Academic Libraries Suggest WLC Once Participated in Fairly Matched Debates

The Torture Report

BREAKING NEWS: According to the #TortureReport , Jesus was not tortured. The Jews & Romans simply used enhanced interrogation methods on him — Chris Rock (@ozchrisrock) December 10, 2014 Your name Your email Subject Your message (optional)

Another Gem from Pat Robertson

What do you get when you have a Pat Roberston, a camera, and a conversation about gay sex? You get this: Video Link I know Pat Robertson doesn’t represent all or even most theists, but I found this commentary about the clip pretty funny. Your name Your email Subject Your message (optional)