
New URLs for RSS Readers

If you are using an RSS reader, please update your reader as follows. To follow The Secular Outpost at its new site on Patheos, subscribe to this feed: Because we migrated our Disqus account from the old site to the new site, the location of the RSS feed for comments is unchanged. In case New URLs for RSS Readers

Connecting via Social Media

Here are two ways you may connect with me “socially” if you’re so inclined. Atheist Nexus Here I have very little on that site at this time, but if you’d like to “connect” in a more social fashion feel free to drop by and send a request. Google Plus Here Facebook I have a Facebook Connecting via Social Media


Say, just as a matter of interest, can anybody tell me who or what determines which ads are displayed when we look at Secular Outpost? I have been getting one that says “Liberty University: Training Champions for Christ since 1971.” It has a faint image of someone who seems to be having an orgasm. Is Query

Disqus and Starred Posts

FYI: If you like posts on this site, Disqus has a feature which allows you to “star” the page. Look for the box which appears directly below each post and directly above all of the comments which says something like “0 stars,” “1 star,” etc. Clicking that box once will add a star. Clicking it Disqus and Starred Posts

Migration to Disqus Complete

It appears the site’s migration to the Disqus commenting system is complete. What this means to you: 1. You now have the ability to edit a comment after posting it, a feature which is sorely lacking in Blogger’s built-in comment functionality. 2. Disqus provides a much more visually intuitive way of grouping comments with their Migration to Disqus Complete

Audience Poll: What Questions Would You Like to See Addressed on the Secular Outpost?

(We haven’t made as much progress as I would like on implementing the suggestions already provided, but I’m redating this point anyway to solicit more suggestions.) If there is a topic you’d like to see authors of The Secular Outpost address, please post a comment below and suggest it. Your name Your email Subject Your Audience Poll: What Questions Would You Like to See Addressed on the Secular Outpost?