Repost: Brittany Maynard and the Problem of Evil
In case you’ve been under a rock (or you’re reading this in the future when it is an old, archived post), Brittany Maynard, a women with terminal brain cancer, died by assisted suicide last weekend in the U.S. state of Oregon, where it is legal. Brittany’s life and death are an especially tragic combination of two … Repost: Brittany Maynard and the Problem of Evil
Questions Concerning the Existence of God
It does not look like I can retire this year, maybe next year (it could happen!). But I think I will start my ten-year plan to develop a multi-volume critique of Christianity in January, even if I’m still working my 9 to 5 job. Part of evaluating Christianity is evaluating the fundamental metaphysical claim that … Questions Concerning the Existence of God
Link: Darwin’s Argument from Evil by Paul Draper
Draper’s chapter was published in Yujin Nagasawa (ed.), Scientific Approaches to the Philosophy of Religion. Palgrave Macmillan. 49 (2012). It’s available online for free courtesy of Google Books. LINK Your name Your email Subject Your message (optional)
Link: Why the Argument from Causal Closure Against the Existence of Immaterial Things is Bad
I am quoting the abstract of this paper here, without comment pro or con, for interested readers who may wish to read the paper for themselves. Feel free to debate in the combox. Abstract. Some argue for materialism claiming that a physical event cannot have a non-physical cause, or by claiming the ‘Principle of Causal Closure’ to … Link: Why the Argument from Causal Closure Against the Existence of Immaterial Things is Bad
Whitcomb’s Grounding Argument for Atheism and Reply by Rasmussen et al
I am quoting the abstract of these papers here, without comment pro or con, for interested readers who may wish to read the papers for themselves. Feel free to debate in the combox. Whitcomb’s argument for atheism: Abstract I’m going to argue that omniscience is impossible and therefore that there is no God. The argument turns on … Whitcomb’s Grounding Argument for Atheism and Reply by Rasmussen et al
One Problem with Swinburne’s Case for God – Part 2
In a previous post I pointed out three different problems related to the third argument in Richard Swinburne’s systematic case for the existence of God. The third argument is the final argument of his arguments from the nature of the universe. It is his Teleological Argument from Spatial Order (hereafter: TASO):(e3) There is a complex physical … One Problem with Swinburne’s Case for God – Part 2
Did God Create Nuclear Weapons?
Christians and other believers in God often say, ‘God created everything.’ If we take this literally, as a young child would do, we might start thinking of some objections or possible counterexamples: ‘Did God create nuclear weapons?’ ‘Did God create the ebola virus?’ etc. The doctrine of divine creation leads quickly to the problem of evil. … Did God Create Nuclear Weapons?
Draper’s Reply to Welty
Philosopher Greg Welty wrote a brief response to Paul Draper’s brief summary of his position regarding God and the burden of proof. Here is Draper’s reply to Welty. Greg Welty has written an interesting reply to my post on “God and the Burden of Proof”. He does a very good job of explaining my argument (for … Draper’s Reply to Welty
New by Paul Draper: God and the Burden of Proof
See the attachment below.“God and the Burden of Proof” by Paul Draper (2014) Your name Your email Subject Your message (optional)
If Theism is True, Why Is There Moral Progress and Not “Moral Prophecies”?
If theism is true, why aren’t there “moral prophets” in the sense that they clearly perceive objective moral truths which are ahead of their time, such as someone 2,000 years ago declaring slavery is wrong, misogyny is wrong, etc.? Why do we instead observe moral progress? For example, why did much of humanity, for most of human … If Theism is True, Why Is There Moral Progress and Not “Moral Prophecies”?