My Favorite Post of the year: Blogging Through “The Next Quest for the Historical Jesus (2024) by James Crossley (Editor), Chris Keith (Editor)”

In 2011, Jesus Mythicism, the idea that Jesus never existed, was at peak popularity on the internet with sites like Neil Godfrey’s Vridar and Project Reason’s forum, and I was searching for scholarship engaging with Christ Myth theorist Earl Doherty, and I found Prof James McGrath’s blog where he was critically blogging through Doherty’s book “Jesus: Neither God Nor Man.” For example, two of McGrath’s posts were:
Chapter 1 of Earl Doherty’s Jesus: Neither God Nor Man
Chapter 5 Of Earl Doherty’s Jesus: Neither God Nor Man
Robert M. Price’s mythicist book “The Christ Myth Theory and Its Problems” was out, along with Bart Ehrman’s Critique. It would still be a few years until Richard Carrier’s and Raphael Lataster’s mythicist books would come out.
This year as part of the Public Theology/Philosophy initiative, I blogged through the new anthology “The Next Quest For The Historical Jesus (2024).” I took 1-3 excerpts from each chapter and did a little commentary. From the book:
This book represents a diverse group of scholars as they chart new paths in the quest for the historical Jesus. After a decade of stagnation in the study of the historical Jesus, James Crossley and Chris Keith have assembled an international team of scholars to envision the quest anew. The contributors offer new perspectives and fresh methods for reengaging the question of the historical Jesus. Important, timely, and fascinating, The Next Quest for the Historical Jesus is a must read for anyone seeking to understand Jesus of Nazareth.
Hopefully people will be inspired to read this great book:
(2) The Next Quest For The Historical Jesus: Reception History by Halvor Moxnes
(3) The Next Quest For The Historical Jesus: Beyond The Jewish Jesus Debate by Adele Reinhartz
(4) The Next Quest For The Historical Jesus: Biography by Helen K. Bond
(5) The Next Quest For The Historical Jesus: Beyond What is Behind by Chris Keith
(6) The Next Quest For The Historical Jesus: Missing Pieces by Mark Goodacre
(8) The Next Quest For The Historical Jesus: Myth and Mythmaking by Stephen Young
(9) The Next Quest For The Historical Jesus: The Late Latin Quest by Paula Fredriksen
(10) The Next Quest For The Historical Jesus: Chartism and the Forgotten Quests by James Crossley
(11) The Next Quest For The Historical Jesus: Fame and Aura by Matthew G. Whitlock
(12) The Next Quest For The Historical Jesus: Networks by John Kloppenborg
(13) The Next Quest For The Historical Jesus: Scribal Galilee by Sarah Rollens
(14) The Next Quest For The Historical Jesus: Synagogues by Anders Runesson
(15) The Next Quest For The Historical Jesus: Armies and Soldiers by Christopher Zeichmann
(16) The Next Quest For The Historical Jesus: Class Conflict by Robert Myles
(17) The Next Quest For The Historical Jesus: Textiles, Sustenance, and Economy by Janelle Peters
(18) The Next Quest For The Historical Jesus: City and Country by Robyn Faith Walsh
(19) The Next Quest For The Historical Jesus: Galilee and Jerusalem by Tucker Ferda
(20) The Next Quest For The Historical Jesus: Death and Martyrdom by Michael Barber
(21) The Next Quest For The Historical Jesus: Sexuality by Amy-Jill Levine
(22) The Next Quest For The Historical Jesus: Spirit World by Giovanni B. Bazzana
(23) The Next Quest For The Historical Jesus: APOCALYPTICISM AND MILLENARIANISM by James Crossley
(24) The Next Quest For The Historical Jesus: Violence and Trauma by Nathan Shedd
(Conclusion) The Late Dates of the Gospels
(2/2) The Late Date of the Gospels
The Death of Jesus: Eyes Opened Beyond Substitutionary Atonement
(2/2) Who Killed Jesus? The Christ Myth Theory and Ancient Writing
Who Killed Jesus? The Christ Myth Theory and Ancient Writing
(Conclusion) Jesus and the Book of Daniel: πνεῦμα (Septuagint “pneuma”)
(2/2) Jesus and the Book of Daniel: πνεῦμα (Septuagint “pneuma”)
Jesus and the Book of Daniel: πνεῦμα (Septuagint “pneuma”)
(2/2) Did Jesus Exist? Jacob Berman vs Godless Engineer
Did Jesus Exist? Jacob Berman vs Godless Engineer
Merry Midrash: A Late Christmas Present with Dr Robert M Price
Christmas and Genealogies: The Adoption of Jesus by Joseph in Matthew and Luke
Recent Online Debates on The Christ Myth Theory
Response To Richard Carrier And The Christ Myth Theory
(2/2) Response To Richard Carrier And The Christ Myth Theory
(1/4) Christianity, A Question of Reasoning: The Continental/Analytic Philosophy Divide
(Part 2 of 4) Christianity, A Question of Reasoning: The Continental/Analytic Philosophy Divide
(Appendix) Christianity, A Question of Reasoning: The Christ Myth Theory and the Lord’s Supper
(1/2) Does Literary Imitation Suggest Christ Never Existed?
Does Literary Imitation Suggest Christ Never Existed: The Trump Lens (2/2)?
The Joy of Philosophy (Postscript and Poetry)
- A Critique of the Penal Substitution Interpretation of the Cross
- Justified Lying and the Bible
- A Critique of the Christ Myth Theory
- Robyn Faith Walsh and Christianity as Ancient Literary Practice
- Robyn Faith Walsh and Christianity with Moral Influence
- Robyn Faith Walsh and Paul
- Religion as Undue Influence