Merry Sithmas and Happy Leaving the Pew Year: Cutting Jesus Off At The Arms With my Top Favorite Post of the Year
In 2011 I was searching for scholarship engaging Christ Myth Theorist Earl Doherty, who argued Jesus never existed, and I found Prof James McGrath’s blog where he was critically blogging through Doherty’s book. For example:
Chapter 1 of Earl Doherty’s Jesus: Neither God Nor Man
This year as Public Theology/Philosophy, I tried blogging through “The Next Quest For The Historical Jesus (2024).” I took 1 to a few excerpts from each chapter and did a little commentary. Hopefully people will be inspired to read this great book:
Complete Index Blogging The Next Quest For The Historical Jesus Anthology Of Essays
I’ll leave you with a puzzle. You may ask, what of the armless Jesus spoke of in the title? What good is a Jesus who can’t be crucified? Star Wars also has the idea of a chosen one, but unlike Jesus he is persuaded by the devil-like Sidious and turns to the dark side. Arguing against Jesus is like a back and forth light saber fight that you can’t win because Jesus is always at least your equal who merely outlasts you by playing for a draw.
But. There may be a flaw. Traditionally, Star Wars lightsaber battles were tests of the skills of the combatants. But, what was noted such as with Kylo Ren’s lightsaber with the laser hand-guard was really all you needed to do was slide your saber down your opponent’s saber and you would cut off their hand. Jesus is like a video game boss who is a higher level than you by default, so what you need is a better weapon.

Ren’s saber has since been refined since the two part laser hand guard would need to be closer together to prevent sliding light saber attacks, but you get the idea.
These few images from Star Wars fall under fair use for the purpose of commentary.