Did Jesus Have a Wife? Artificial Intelligence and the Virgin Birth
When we think about Jesus as the Messiah / King of the Jews, if we think of the virgin birth and Jesus being distanced there from the impurity of the sexual, I wondered what Grok 2 AI might say about sexuality and purity of such kings in the bible. Here’s the response I got:
The Bible provides several insights into the sexual purity expected of kings, though it often does so through narratives and laws that apply broadly to all Israelites, with specific examples and consequences for kings:
- General Teachings on Sexual Purity: The Bible emphasizes that sexual purity is part of God’s will for all His people. For instance, 1 Thessalonians 4:3-5 states, “For this is the will of God, your sanctification: that you abstain from sexual immorality; that each one of you know how to control his own body in holiness and honor, not in the passion of lust like the Gentiles who do not know God.” This principle of purity extends to everyone, including kings, as they are expected to be exemplars of moral behavior.
- Specific Examples of Kings: King David, for example, is a notable figure in biblical narratives regarding sexual purity. His sin with Bathsheba (2 Samuel 11) illustrates the severe consequences of sexual immorality, even for a king. David’s actions led to personal and national turmoil, showing that kings are not exempt from God’s laws or the consequences of breaking them. Similarly, King Solomon’s many foreign wives and concubines led him astray from God, which is detailed in 1 Kings 11, where it’s noted that his heart was turned away from the Lord due to these relationships.
- Laws and Expectations: The Mosaic Law, which includes commandments against adultery and other forms of sexual immorality, applies to all, including kings. Deuteronomy 17:17 specifically warns kings against multiplying wives for themselves, lest their heart turn away, which was seen in Solomon’s case. This indicates a specific call for sexual purity among leaders who are to represent God’s standards.
- Cultural and Historical Context: In the biblical context, sexual purity was not just about personal morality but also about maintaining the covenantal relationship with God. Kings were to lead by example, and their personal life was seen as reflective of their leadership and spiritual state. The narratives often highlight how sexual immorality in kings led to spiritual and political decline.
- Positive Example: There are also instances where kings demonstrate sexual purity. For example, King David in his later years did not have sexual relations with Abishag, the young woman brought to him for warmth, which suggests a respect for purity even in old age or in situations where one might otherwise indulge.
In summary, while the Bible does not have a specific section devoted solely to the sexual purity of kings, the overarching teachings on sexual morality, combined with specific narratives about kings, convey that kings are expected to uphold the same standards of purity as all God’s people, perhaps even more stringently due to their position of influence and leadership.
So, I think Grok 2 would argue Jesus never had sex because the imagery in his story points to a kingly purity personified and exemplar. Jesus in Matthew 19:10-12 talks about becoming a Eunuch if you can, which resembles Paul’s advice in 1 Cor 7 to remain celibate to focus all your attention on Jesus (though he also affirms the sanctity of marriage). I don’t think Jesus would see any point in sexuality/marriage for himself because it could lead to impurity, and more to the point he thought at the resurrection at the end of days there would be no marriage or being given in marriage
In the Bible, Jesus says that there will be no marriage or being given in marriage in Mark 12:25, which states, “For when they rise from the dead, they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels in heaven”. Jesus also says that there will be no marriage in the resurrection in Matthew 22:27-30. In this passage, Jesus compares those in the resurrection to angels in heaven, who never die and do not need to eat.
For those of us still looking for a partner (I’m 48), the best advice seems to be, as I heard in a movie once, get in a lady’s presence and do something excellent. If that doesn’t work, try sharing cute pictures of your dog:

(Darth Harley, Bark Lord of the Sith says: “Nice to meet you!”)
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