Did Jesus Exist or Start Out as a Myth

One popular idea on the internet is Jesus started out as a vague dying/rising savior myth that was later placed in historical stories (Euhemerized). How do New Testament specialists teaching New Testament at accredited Secular universities respond to this?

Against mythicism, Prof Bart Ehrman notes for Paul righteousness came through the cross/resurrection, that if it came through the law Chris died for nothing (Gal 2:21). Mark wrote a propaganda document (euaggelion) selling Jesus’ cross and resurrection as the way to salvation, and yet contrarily said salvation also came through repentance and the Kingdom (Mark 1:14-15), and following the law and giving everything to the poor (Mark 10:17-22). Mark unwittingly incorporated material about the historical Jesus that contradicted his Pauline bias.

Popular Christ Mythicists (Earl Doherty; Robert M Price, Thomas Brodie; Richard Carrier)