Month: March 2024

Dr. Carlo Alvaro and Dr. Richard Carrier Debate the Kalam Cosmological Argument

Friend of Infidels Richard Carrier recently debated Carlo Alvaro on the Cosmological Argument. Alvaro apparently had a less than pleasing experience, claiming:  If you are interested in the Cosmological argument, put simplistically you can think I had parents, and they had parents, and they had parents and so on until we get back to some Dr. Carlo Alvaro and Dr. Richard Carrier Debate the Kalam Cosmological Argument

Happy Easter

Here’s something you may not know. In one of our earliest traditions on belief in the resurrection, Paul writes: Did you catch that? Paul says the resurrection was something done to Jesus, not something Jesus did. In other words, the early Christians who believed this thought God and Jesus were not the same person. Enjoy Happy Easter

The Great Commandment

We read in Deuteronomy 6 that:  “Now this is the commandment—the statutes and the ordinances—that the Lord your God charged me to teach you to observe in the land that you are about to cross into and occupy, 2 so that you and your children and your children’s children may fear the Lord your God all the days of your life The Great Commandment

Heidegger’s Hegelian Phenomenological Method (Part 2/2)

FOR PART 1 PLEASE SEE Heidegger’s Hegelian Phenomenological Method (Part 1/2) (3) Heidegger’s Hegelian Phenomenological Interpretation of Kant’s Ek-static Transcendental Idealism Kant’s critical philosophy was a major object of inquiry for Heidegger his entire career, from the early lecture course on Kant and Phenomenology and the Kant and metaphysics book of the late 1920’s, to Heidegger’s Hegelian Phenomenological Method (Part 2/2)

Heidegger’s Hegelian Phenomenological Method (Part 1/2)

FOR PART 2, PLEASE SEE Heidegger’s Hegelian Phenomenological Method (Part 2/2) Teaching Hegelian Phenomenological Method by Triangulating 2 Heideggerian Case Studies (Heidegger’s Hegelian Concept of Phenomenology with The Ek-static History of Being as a Context to Leap into Heidegger’s Phenomenological Interpretation of Kant’s Ek-static Transcendental Idealism) Abstract: Key Words: Heidegger; Kant; Hegel, Phenomenology; Transcendental Idealism; Heidegger’s Hegelian Phenomenological Method (Part 1/2)

How to Keep Kids Brainwashed

It’s always been a conundrum for the church that left to their own devices children drift away from faith, so here are some of the best strategies at promoting mind control with faith.