Month: August 2023

Kreeft’s Case Against the Swoon Theory – Part 7: Premise (C) of Objection #3

WHERE WE ARE In Part 5 of this series, I presented a clarified version of the argument by Peter Kreeft and Ronald Tacelli (in Chapter 8 of Handbook of Christian Apologetics; hereafter: HCA) that constitutes their Objection #3 against the Swoon Theory. In Part 6 of this series, I showed that premise (7a) was FALSE, Kreeft’s Case Against the Swoon Theory – Part 7: Premise (C) of Objection #3

New Insights Into The New Testament Conference (September 2023)

I’m excited that I’m signed up for the New Insights Into The New Testament Conference in late September which has 10 All Star New Testament experts/specialists presenters. For instance, Prof Robyn Faith Walsh will be presenting who is most known for her theory that highly educated (though not necessarily rich) Greco Romans wrote the Gospels. New Insights Into The New Testament Conference (September 2023)

Jesus and I, Robot

Isaac Asimov outlined three principles to govern robot/human interaction: In the movie I, Robot with Will Smith, we see a futuristic world based on these laws where we see what happens when they come into conflict with one another: We see similar conflict of laws in the New Testament.  Jesus redefines the Law saying (1) Jesus and I, Robot

Kreeft’s Case Against the Swoon Theory – Part 6: Premise (D) of Objection #3

WHERE WE ARE In Part 5 of this series, I presented a clarified version of the argument by Peter Kreeft and Ronald Tacelli (in Chapter 8 of Handbook of Christian Apologetics; hereafter: HCA) that constitutes their Objection #3 against the Swoon Theory. In this current post, I will begin to critically evaluate that argument. THE Kreeft’s Case Against the Swoon Theory – Part 6: Premise (D) of Objection #3

How Critical Thinking Illiteracy — Not Trump — Gave Us Jan. 6th: A Decades-in-the-Making Systemic Failure

Arguably never before has a crisis been so mired in the problem and so bereft of a solution. But here we are. A problem ensnared by itself as if talking about Trump and January 6th long enough will somehow do something. This alone is a lesson in critical thinking illiteracy (CTI). Perhaps a “fallacy of ignoratio elenchi” or the “irrelevant conclusion fallacy” whereby the secondary problem becomes the main discussion topic without ever offering a solution to the problem itself.

Frank Schaeffer Speaking the Naked Truth about Evangelical Christianity The problem with Evangelical Christianity is NOT just that it has become politicized and become a political tool of the Republican Party (in the USA). The problem is that it is a false superstition that is based on unthinking acceptance of the authority of the Bible. The Bible is merely a product of flawed Frank Schaeffer Speaking the Naked Truth about Evangelical Christianity