Month: September 2021

Defending the Hallucination Theory – Part 9: Clarification of the Hallucination Principle

WHERE WE ARE In Part 8 of this series, I focused on Peter Kreeft’s VERY UNCLEAR argument constituting his Objection #1 (“Too Many Witnesses”) against the Hallucination Theory.    I argued that this was a brief and UNCLEAR version of Josh McDowell’s “Very Personal” objection against the Hallucination Theory (found in his book The Resurrection Factor, Defending the Hallucination Theory – Part 9: Clarification of the Hallucination Principle

Defending the Hallucination Theory – Part 8: Too Many Witnesses

WHERE WE ARE In Chapter 8 of his Handbook of Christian Apologetics (co-authored with Ronald Tacelli; hereafter: HCA), Peter Kreeft attempts to disprove the Hallucination Theory, as part of an elimination-of-alternatives argument for the resurrection of Jesus.  Kreeft thinks that by disproving four skeptical theories, he can show that the Christian theory is true, that Defending the Hallucination Theory – Part 8: Too Many Witnesses

Defending the Hallucination Theory – Part 7: More Problems with Objection #2

WHERE WE ARE Here is my clarified version of Peter Kreeft’s argument constituting his Objection #2 against the Hallucination Theory: 1a. The witnesses who testified about alleged appearances of the risen Jesus were simple, honest, moral people. 2a. The witnesses who testified about alleged appearances of the risen Jesus had firsthand knowledge of the facts. Defending the Hallucination Theory – Part 7: More Problems with Objection #2

Ralph Reed Tries to Pull the Wool Over Our Eyes

================================ NOTE: This post was contributed by Gregory S. Paul, who is an occasional contributor to Free Inquiry, and who published an important article called “Cross-National Correlations of Quantifiable Societal Health with Popular Religiosity and Secularism in the Prosperous Democracies”.  Here is how Michael Shermer summarized that article: Is religion a necessary component of social health? Ralph Reed Tries to Pull the Wool Over Our Eyes